What is it?
Organic farming - what is it?
On the one hand, organic farming can be defined as a system for production of vegetable and animal products, which does not use synthetic agro-chemicals - fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, growth hormones and other manufacturing additives. This description could mislead many people that organic farming is against modern technology. Organic farming is not going back, but based on a clever combination of traditional farming practices with modern technology and research. Organic agriculture is less focused on products, as the processes and technologies of production.
Protecting the environment
The main goal in this proceeding is to protect the environment and integrate it into the tasks of the owner, an economically profitable farm neazavisima of synthetic agro-chemicals. For this reason, all the efforts of an organic farmer to achieve a sustainable economy, aimed at improving soil fertility and soil health. Organic farmer intentionally used high-yield varieties and breeds that are well adapted to local agro-climatic and soil conditions.
Organic farming has applied the concept of variability in practice, giving importance to biodiversity, food safety, coupled with market orientation of production. Organic agriculture is fundamental to sustainable rural development and critical step for the future development of agriculture and global food security.
The objectives of organic farming are achievable through diversification and integration with the modern science of systems for organic agriculture. Management of plant and animal is constructed by integrating natural processes such as circulation of substances on nitrogen fixation, soil conditioners, the relationship between pests and natural enemies.
Way of life
Organic farming examines the processes and elements of the global communities in their entirety (holistic approach), it uses processes that protect the environment, and simultaneously allow the production of quality food and contributing to the security of society. Social objectives of organic farming are obvious: avoiding harm to human health pesticides, nitrates, antibiotics, steroids, heavy metals entering the food chain and contaminate soil and water, protecting the people.
Production in the organic farm is not only its organization and management, and lifestyle!